Tactical use of Creep Tumors can also help Baneling use by increasing their running speed. STARCRAFT 2 GAME 1 ZERGLING LEFT UPGRADE
The Baneling speed upgrade Centrifugal Hooks is also important for getting your Banelings into the action by cutting the time it takes to reach the front lines. When the opponent runs over your Banelings, detonate them while burrowed to wipe out entire groups by surprise. The Burrow upgrade enables a player to hide his Banelings to act as a trap. There are many options that can help a player use Banelings effectively: Because of their low survivability, getting Banelings to successfully hit groups of enemies is key. Correctly using a group of Banelings can deal massive damage to a hostile army and allow other units to clean up any remaining army much more easily. But they can be detonated manually, and they will also perform their "attack" upon death.īanelings are a very effective unit against Light units due to their high damage bonuses in combination with splash damage.
However, their attack range - unless manually detonated - is only 0.25, which is basically melee range and too short to go off from second row by themselves. Similar to the Infested Terran from Brood War, the Baneling is a suicidal unit that deals significant splash damage.īanelings have a splash radius of 2.2 and do not deal friendly fire damage to either your units or those of your allies. The Baneling is a suicide bomber unit morphed from Zerglings after a Baneling Nest has been constructed.